Building Effective Cross-Channel Communication Strategies with Program Applicants

Simple communication strategies and social media tools can help maintain student enthusiasm for enrolling in your program and keeping applicants engaged through the “out of sight, out of mind” summer months. In this session, Andrew we will go over how to develop, launch and maintain a cross-channel

Rethinking Mobile Learning & the Promise of Flying Cars

Presented at Penn State Web Conference 2014

Mobile technology innovation and growth have outpaced and outgrown our current teaching ideals and delivery methodologies at all levels of education. We are entering into a perfect storm for m-learning. Instead of top-down transmitting models, we could engage learners with collaborative models that are already in place via text messaging, and crowd sourcing that are available via social networks. We could encourage anywhere, anytime learning through instant access to information and more satisfying inquiry for teachers and learners. What is lacking in online learning delivery is the integration of mobile for content, access to course content and creating situated learning. The future of learning opportunities lies in context-aware ubiquitous learning, leveraging peer-to-peer, personalization, and multimedia interaction. Digital is the old way of thinking. Mobile is the new way – the way we think today.